Gear ratios can be somewhat confusing at first glance due to their numbering and how they impact performance. The lower the number of the gear ratio, the longer or taller the gear is. This means the longer it takes to rev out your Mustang. Conversely, the higher the gear number, the shorter the gearing is. Tall gears are typically thought to be anything less than 3.31s, and short gears are thought to be anything higher than 3.73 with 3.55’s being the middle ground.
When you go with a gearing as extreme as a 4.56, you will be redlining each gear fairly quickly, helping you to accelerate at an advanced rate. However, going the other way with that, having a 3.31 gear will take you a while to redline. Meaning you will be able to build up a decent bit of speed (MPH) in each gear.