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Step 1:
Prop hood open and remove the 8mm fender bolt as shown in photo (Do not remove the rear-most bolt for the hood hinge itself). Place the lower mounting bracket as shown and re-install the fender nut.
Step 2:
Use a 10mm socket to remove the forward most hood hinge nut. Loosen the rear hood hinge nut about 1/4” (enough to slide in the upper strut mounting bracket).
Step 3:
Slide the upper bracket between the rear-most nut and hood hinge and place it over the exposed front stud as shown. Once in place, tighten rear nut and re-install front nut.
Step 4:
Install the gas strut by simply popping the ends over the ball mounts on the brackets.
Repeat Steps 1-4 for opposite side strut assembly. You may remove the factory prop rod at this point. Be sure to close hood carefully after installation to ensure proper alignment of hood. If any adjustment is needed, the mounting holes in the strut brackets are slotted for easy alignment.