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Installation Time

6 hours

Tools Required
  • 8mm Socket
  • socket wrench
  • socket extension
  • garbage bag
  • painters tape
  • permanent marker
  • flat metal file
  • tape measure
  • spray paint

It is recommended that you have an additional person available to help during this installation, parts can be awkward to hold and support by yourself. Block wheels and set parking brake before beginning work. Tape off surrounding body panels to protect the paint, during dismantling and installation.


Open the hood and remove the (4) 10mm bolts along the top edge of the fender


Turn the wheel to the opposite side of the car and remove the (2) phillips screws from the back of the front bumper.


Pull the black wheel well splash shield back and remove the (2) 10mm nuts from the studs (arrows pointing to studs after nuts were removed and bumper was pulled down) that hold the bumper to the fender. Once, they are removed, carefully pull down on the side of the bumper to access the (1) 10mm screw.


Open the door halfway and secure it, so it does not open into the socket. Access the (1) 10 mm nut and remove it from the car. Take note of how the fender is hooked over the stud, during removal this needs to be lifted up and out.


Turn the wheel to the same side of the car to access the (2) plastic pins on the front of the ground effects. Pop out the center pin with a small flat head screwdriver and then remove the outer pin.

STEP 6: Carefully pull down on the ground effects. There will be (2) push pins that will release with some pressure (designated by the arrows). There are (2) 10mm screws in the bottom of the fender (designated by circles), remove both of these screws. Carefully remove the fender by pulling up and out.


Use painters tape to cover the exterior paint of the fender. Use a garbage bag to cover the front of the fender and secure it to the front and back of the fender to ensure metal shavings are kept off the fenders paint.


Apply painters tape to the face of the fender vent and wrap it over the edges to prevent any ink transfer while tracing the vent with a permanent marker.


Place the fender face down and lay the fender vent into the fender. Align the top of the fender vent with the upper fender line. Place the vertical side of the vent into the fender, where it curves under. Trace the exterior of the fender vent onto the back of the fender with a permanent marker

STEP 10:

Measure 1/2” in from the traced line (blue) and draw a new line (green). Place an X on each (blue) line and the word “CUT” on each (green) line to prevent confusion while cutting. Trace along the side of the fender that would mount to the door hinge area, this will serve as the (green) cutting line for that area. Carefully, cut along the inner line with a grinder equipped with a cutting wheel.

STEP 11:

Use a metal file to remove any loose metal shavings or the lip that was created during cutting.

STEP 12:

Make sure the tape surrounding the cut area is secure to keep paint from running onto the exterior of the fender, then apply paint to the exposed metal edge, this will help prevent rusting.

STEP 13:

Make sure the painters tape is removed from the 3M tape areas, then apply 3M adhesion promoter to the areas.

STEP 14:

Apply the 3 pre-measured wide tape strips as shown. Apply the 4th, thin tape strip to the curved side of the scoop, under the last vent.

STEP 15: Remove the protective painters tape from around the hole that was cut in the fender. If there is any metal dust, do not brush it, remove it with a magnet, compressed air or water. Use the supplied acohol pads to clean the area around the hole. Test fit the fender vent into the hole that was cut in the fender and make sure there is nothing keeping the vent from laying flat against the fender. Remove the vent from the fender. Pull back an inch of white 3M tape backing to expose a small amount of tape on each strip; fold the backing so it can be accessed from the front after the vent is laid onto the fender. Position the fender vent to the mounting area and align the top of the vent to the upper fender line, align the back of the vent with the back of the fender.

Once the vent is aligned, carefully remove each tape section’s white backing by pulling outward and press the vent onto the fender.

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