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How To Install a Raxiom Vent Integrated Boost Gauge with Vent Housing on your 2015-2016 Ford Mustang

Installation Time

1 hours

American Muscle
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Step 1

Open glove box and remove the lower right hand trim panel. It is held in with plastic clips, rock the panel back and forth while pulling the panel straight off.

Step 2 

Using the same rocking back and forth technique, remove the main dash panel.

Step 3

Remove the plug on the back of the factory gauges.

Step 4

Flip the dash panel over so you can access the back of the vent. Depress the chrome clips around the vent and push the vent through the front of the panel.

Step 5

Remove the silver trim ring from the vent barrel.

Step 6

Take the vent slat bracket out of barrel and remove black trim ring.

Step 7

Remove the lower vent slat and bracket.

Step 8

Install display into the vent slat bracket.
**Note: Display glass goes behind lip at bottom of bracket.

Step 9

Snap the black trim ring onto the bracket and install into vent barrel.

Step 10

When feeding the display cable through the back of the vent, make sure the cable goes through this hole.

Step 11

Reinstall the chrome trim ring. **Note: The chrome ring can only be installed in one position. The tab with the two bumps lines up with the flat portion of the barrel.

Step 12

Your gauge is now ready to be installed in your vehicle.
NOTE: Flat part of vent barrel is in the 6 o'clock position when installed in vehicle.

Step 13

Insert the Raxiom vent gauge by feeding the cable through the hole followed by the vent assembly. Press the vent in so that the clips clip.

Step 14 

Remove the panel on the right of the steering column, this panel is held in with clip also. Removing this panel will allow you to feed the gauge wire behind the dash towards the OBD port.

Step 15 

Locate your OBDII/DLC port under the drive side dash, remove the (2) 8mm nuts to gain better access to the wiring. Tap the black wire to chassis ground pin 1 (black) and the red wire to 12v pin14 (white with red stripe). The Raxiom Boost Gauge has a smart sense to prevent voltage draw when the car is off. 

**Optional Dimmer Yellow wire, tap the vehicle's headlight switch wiring, this is the purple wire on our 15. 

**Note: Due to wiring changes between years, always cross reference a wiring diagram or use a multi meter to confirm wiring.

Step 16 

Run the supplied vacuum tubing to the engine bay through a rewall grommet and t tap into a suitable vacuum source. This will be an application specific installation. Secure with vacuum lines out of the way with zip ties.

Step 17 

Connect the vacuum line to the control box and the control box to the gauge.

Carefully tuck all extra wiring under the dash and secure as necessary.​

Operation Details

Button Functions (Running Mode)

Left Button TAP = Peak recall (and start 15 second record)

Left Button HOLD = 15 sec playback

Right Button TAP = View Current Mode Name, Change Mode

Right Button HOLD = Night/Day Dimmer toggled (if auto-dimming is NOT enabled)

The Peak Recall and Record/Playback Features Explained

PEAK RECALL: The gauge offers peak recall of the PEAK VALUE on the selected mode, since the last recall, or since the vehicle was started. In addition to this, for 2008 model year cars the gauge also stores peaks for EGT, Air, Coolant in the background, so that you can switch to that mode later, after a lap for example, and recall your peak temperatures. A quick tap of the Left most button will show your peak value.

RECORD/PLAYBACK: The 15 seconds record/playback feature is available on canbus vehicles only, and provides a way for you to see 15 seconds of historical data from the current mode. Recording is started when the peak recall button is pressed. Simply tap peak recall, do some acceleration, and then after you are able to look at the gauge again, hold the peak recall butotn and the gauge will show you the first 15 seconds of data from that mode, as well as RPM scaled onto the bargraph readout.

Configuring The Gauge


Simply hold both buttons to enter the config menu, you can do this at any time! Release the buttons 2 seconds after you see the word "Conf" flash on the screen.


Your settings will not be saved until you exit the config menu by HOLDING the rightmost button until the gauge turns off or resets if your car is running.


Left Button TAP = Change Value

Right Button TAP = Peak Recall

Left Button HOLD = Change Value fast repeat

Right Button HOLD = EXIT and SAVE settings

Configurable Parameters:

Display Options / Valet Mode

d.On = display on, normal operation, Off = Lockout / Valet, display off. Enter config with car OFF to re-enable from valet. On.A = Auto dimmer (must attach green wire to red/gray dimmer line on trunk pop switch or other locations) On.P = persistent dimmer, (stays on last setting after restarts.)

English / Metric

En.Y Y or N or b English units. N=Metric, Y=English, b=Boost only (boost in PSI, all other data in metric)

Boost Pressure Resolution

Pr0.1 0.1 or 0.5 or 1.0 decimal point. 0.1 = tenths, 0.5 is rounded to 5 tenths, 1.0 = whole numbers

Vacuum Bargraph Y or N Vacuum bargraph in boost mode - set to N for no bargraph while in vacuum

Boost Reading Selection:

FORD bSt.d for MAP sensor, analog. (Analog is for gauges with boost sender and tubing to manifold using the analog boost sensor connection)

Troubleshooting Checklist

- Make sure the gauge is set to d.On ... if you set the guage to display off (d.Off) you will need to have the car OFF to re-enter config by holding both buttons.

- Make sure the obd2 connection is secure, try unplugging and re-plugging it a few times with the car running. Some ports can be stiff.

- Check your obd2 port fuse, on a fuse chart this will usually say OBD or DLC.

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